Services and Fees
AGWA Grant Writing Services offers several services to eligible business entities. A signed Client Agreement and payment by check must be received by GCS prior to services commencing. To request a Client Agreement please click on "Free Consultation Request"
Foundation and Corporate Grant Research and Writing Package
Nonprofit organizations with exempt and charitable status may purchase the Foundation and Corporate Package for either General Operating Support, Program Support, or Capital Support.
This package features the following:
- GCS will Identify a minimum of 6 Foundations or Corporations that accept unsolicited proposals, letters, or applications for the appropriate type of support
- GCS will gather information from your staff about the organization, program description (fully developed), program goals, target population, service area, community impact, local competitors, collaborators, and the budget including revenue and expenses
- GCS will write a draft proposal and then sent it to the client for review
- GCS will edit the proposal based on client's feedback, and then prepare a Full Proposal, the Letters of Inquiry, and / or Applications
- GCS will send the client the Final Full Proposal, Letter of Inquiry, and / or Application(s) as well as the submittal information for a minimum of 6 Foundations or Corporations
- The client will sign and submit the Letters, Proposals, and Applications in a timely basis
​Foundation and Corporation Grant Package Price: $500.00
Government Grant Application
Eligible entities may purchase the Federal Government Grant Application. A signed contract and check must be received by GCS prior to the start of the project.
This purchase includes the following:
- GCS will research grant opportunities and identify a Notice of Funding Announcement for which the applicant and its project are eligible
- GCS will request from the client specific business, project, and technical information including the budget
- GCS will prepare any needed Letters of Intent
- GCS will prepare the Application Template, Narrative Draft, Budget Narrative Draft, 424 Budget Form, and any attachment documents
- GCS will forward the drafts to the client for review
- GCS will make revisions based on the client's feedback
- GCS will provide the Pre-Application (if recommended or required) and Final Application Template including all documents and attachment to the client at least 3 days prior to the published due date
Government Grant Application Prices:
- $1,500 for one Federal Application
- $1,000 for one State or Local Application
Program Development
If a business wants a grant, but does not have a fully developed program or project, then GCS can be hired to provide a "field of interest" expert to design a competitive program. This service requires a supplemental fee to the grant writing service. A project / program description will be provided to the client including a Logic Model that can be used as a working document during program operation.
Program Development Prices:
- $200.00 Program Development using a Logic Model for a Foundation or Corporate Grant
- $500.00 Program Development using a Logic Model for a Government Grant
Review of your Proposal or Application
If your business has already prepared a proposal or application, then a certified grant consultant can review your Program Narrative, Budget, and Budget Narrative to make sure it is the most competitive application possible. A copy of the NOFA, RFP, or Guidelines is required to complete the review. The certified grant consultant will review the documents to determine if they meet the funding requirements, project design, scope, innovation, and regulations. Recommendations for improvement will be provided. This service does not include rewriting any of the documents.
Review Prices:
- $200.00 Foundation or Corporate Proposal, Letter, or Application
- $500.00 Government Application (Federal, State, or Local )
Long-Term Services for Multiple Applications
This is an excellent option for organizations looking to needing a grant writer full or part time. GCS can provide dedicated service to clients interested in applying for multiple grant applications over a two to 12-month period. A GCS Certified Grant Writer® will be assigned to work with your organization’s long-term grant research and writing needs. You can secure the dedicated services of a Certified Grant Writer® for 5-40 hours per week for a minimum 2-month contract. Advantages of contracting a Certified Grant Writer® rather than hiring an employee include:
- no fringe benefits to pay
- no office space or supplies to provide
- no time off or lack of productive time